Its the compilation of shows you need and need not watch for 2008( the near future)

righto.. i'm sitting alone downstairs infront of my pc at 1.30 in the morning and thinking its too early to sleep so i made this(stole but readjusting words to make it sound like me.. well atleast for the intro) list of shows you should watch now or when its released maybe in feb.. if you dont like reading so much just fling through the pictures... @_@

okay.. forget that... stupid upload image is not working.. so here's the url for the blog i read it from

watch that thingie called The Other Boleyn Girl cuz got scarlett... oooooo scarlett... yummy
and jumper.. its freakin cool show...
and for those jackass comedy watches go watch meet the spartans, parody of one of the greatest movies which came out post millennium O_O [ they say its as stupid as hell]
and rambo.. cuz silverster stallone or however is spelt is getting old and we should support rocky balboa.. the greatest boxer that never really existed

stupid words only post sucks but my thing is buggy so no images.. deal with it.. for the 2 ppl who actually read this blog anymore.. me and my mom.. now you ppl go study and do your assignments and stuff and fatkid who's working with 30 year old ugly women good luck in your lives and happy chinese new year