more studying to come

yes. spm is freakin over. wohoo.. but now got the choice of many colleges to choose from. so for those who needs to save on some cash like me, i made a list of where to go to get the most out of your results.. quality is not guaranteed xD

list of scholarship places (only for A levels cuz it concerns me hoohoh)
#1 KBU
i. 9A1 and above 100% full fee waiver
ii. 9A 70% fee waiver
iii. 8A 60% fee waiver
iv. 7A 50% fee waiver
v. 6A 30% fee waiver
i. shit this is taking longer than i expected i link you guys la the stuff xD
stupid help site down -_-

wth.. cannot find taylors one!! rawrss..
for sunway

this is a blardy useless post but i'm posting it anyways WAHAHAHAH gg