i'm way above random titles.


so now ah i get to informally introduce my college to all you random people so you all won't be saying, 'huh are you sure thats even a college maybe you're just hallucinating' to me anymore -.-

room 1, basically the room we're in most of the time. notice how there are two very unstrategically placed tiangs right smack in the middle of the room. there is NO single position in the class where you'll be able to see everything that happens in the front from where ever you may be sitting because of the tiang. even when you're sitting right at the front.

blue shirt = me :D one of the things i like about my class is the ability for almost everyone to talk to almost everyone, even if you're technically not from the same clique.

posers = half of the male population in my class sigh.

this is during the shoot for a commercial we had to make just yesterday. The long-haired girl was supposed to have curly hair to promote this product and to make a short story shorter, we ended up curling her hair in a public toilet just before the shoot -.- such is my life. good thing still early in the morning nobody coming into the toilet. except for the cleaner who opened the door, stoned at us for a while then left without doing his shift.

okay seriously the pose wasn't suggested by me. ooh reminds me many of you haven't seen me with my tulan face for a long time must post it up to bring public humiliation upon myself solely for your entertainment sometime.

yeah the shoot involved a gay couple doing really gay activities (read: picnic where the pink picnic blanket really is the table cloth you find in chinese restaurants and with carbonated drinks when there are no cups)

the entire group. although the white shirt guy's not technically in our group, we just borrowed him to act in the shoot hohoho.

p/s: anyone who insults how anyone (except for me lah) looks like in this post will have half his life smacked out of him by me. you seriously think i won't do it. no insulting people based solely on how they look, unless you already know them well eg dom.

yalah i lazy rotate the pictures okay i didn't even expect blogger to allow me to load any pictures so don't be so ungrateful cis.