A class reunion had been in the talks for a while now because many beloved kiddies are coming back for the holidays :) not all, but reason enough to celebrate woohoo.
Here are the details as of now:
Date: Thursday, 24/12/2009
Time: 7.00 PM
Venue: We've got a few options -
1) Potluck at Wan Li's house. But knowing all you terrible, take-everything-for-granted peeps, we'd probably have to share 3 dishes amongst 15 attendees because nobody made anything -.-
2) Steamboat. (She insists it isn't a problem, but i think i should just note that sherrin doesn't like steamboat)
3) Any other reasonably priced (because zwee says he's too poor) restaurant suitable for large groups NOT LOCATED IN A SHOPPING MALL because this will lead to everyone breaking up to go their own way.
Please leave suggestions for venue in comments or you can let sherrin or i know if you've got any ideas. Closing date: 10/12/2009. After that, all suggestions will be posted up on a poll and peeps can vote k :)
Also, if there are any objections on location, time etc. PLEASE let someone know.
RSVP with me. ASAP. (don't RSVP with sherrin cause she's going to JPA camp from 7 - 11 Dec)
Let's look forward to this okay! :D:D
since no one is commenting yet, i suppose i better get the ball rolling. got 2 places from the top of my mind:
1) Thai food at My Elephant , SS17: http://www.myelephant.com.my/
2) Pizzas at Puzzini's, Damansara Uptown:
comment comment! leave suggestions! shabu shabu? tai chow?
i miss this kind of get together!
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